Your Trusted Partner In Safety
Discover the perfect blend of comfort and protection with our insulated welding gloves. Upgrade your safety game with Strongarm!
Is the Impact of Burns and Discomfort Hindering Your Workflow?
If you've been dealing with the heat affecting your work, consider upgrading to insulated welding gloves to tackle burns and enhance your focus. We understand the frustration of dealing with discomfort.
Our gloves are designed for comfort, providing a perfect fit that lets welders forget they're wearing them. They free you from the constraints of burns and discomfort, allowing you to move with a sense of freedom.
Yet, our insulated welding gloves aren’t just about protecting your hands; they aim to enhance your entire welding experience. Precision in welding requires focus, and our gloves ensure high-level protection, enabling you to concentrate on each weld with confidence.

Why Use Insulated Welding Gloves?
More reasons to buy

Our Vision
At Strongarm we dream of a world where every welder steps into their workshop with confidence. Knowing that they have a reliable partner in the form of Strongarm’s insulated welding gloves. Our vision goes beyond just providing safety gear, we are here to empower welders and create, innovate and conquer the challenges without any compromise. Our commitment is to provide you with gloves that not only meet but exceed your expectations. We take pride in the projects we’ve contributed to, and set standards for welding safety.

TIG Insulated Welding Gloves
Our TIG welding gloves offer a delicate balance between dexterity and protection. These gloves are crafted with precision including insulation material to shield against heat and electric spark.
MIG Insulated Welding Gloves
MIG welding gloves are like your tough and reliable partner. The insulation material in our MIG welding gloves is used to withstand intense heat generated in the MIG welding process.